Is The Vanuatu Citizenship Program legitimate?

Yes, the Vanuatu CBI Program is legitimate. The Vanuatu Citizenship By Investment is enshrined in Vanuatu’s law.  Citizenship Act [CAP 112 S 20] serves as the legal basis upon which the program is offered to foreign applicants. The privileges for investment Citizenship were set out in Order No. 216 of 2016. Changes to the program [...]

By |2021-02-18T08:42:38+00:00February 18th, 2021|, |0 Comments

What is the Vanuatu Development Support Program (Vanuatu DSP)?

The Development Support Program was initially vaunted in 2016 and adopted by the government of Vanuatu in 2017. The plan seeks to assist the government in local job creation, keeping the country’s national budget balanced, and stimulating the economy. Vanuatu CBI Program applicants’ donations go towards funding this program, lending significant philanthropic value to the [...]

By |2021-02-18T08:04:11+00:00February 18th, 2021||0 Comments
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